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Thriving Together, a Healthy Australia initiative, is a collaboration between Australian Social Impact Trust, Blue Knot Foundation, Centre for Evidence and Implementation, Child Abuse Prevention Service, Fams, Harwood Institute, Healthy Australia, Healthy North Coast, HubHello, Local Community Services Association, New School of Arts Neighbourhood House, Primary and Community Care Services, Resilience Cafe and Waratah Education Foundation.

Thriving Together is an evidence-based framework for complex commissioning that is designed to deliver vulnerable children out of the intergenerational cycle of disadvantage.

The Thriving Together framework is designed with the understanding that every neighbourhood has its unique set of issues, that local services and funders are best placed to deliver change, and that real change happens when neighbourhoods can realise their potential.

The intention is to test the Framework for Complex Community Commissioning in at least 3 neighbourhoods over a period of 3 years. Version 1 testing has commenced in Clarence Valley in June 2021.

The Thriving Together team is confident there is a more effective way to prevent childhood trauma and build resilience to the consequences of trauma and toxic stress.

By achieving their goals, they believe they can improve health, social, welfare and economic outcomes. This will, in turn, reduce costs to governments and taxpayers.

For further information>

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